search engine optimization

Do You Need Long-Tail Keywords To Get Traffic From Google?

Long-tail keywords are all the rage these days. You see, long-tail keyword searches are more specific and, as a result, tend to have higher conversion rates. Not only do they work to improve your SEO efforts and increase traffic to your site through organic search results, but they can also poll well with Google's RankBrain algorithm.You see, long-tail keywords are those longer search phrases (more than three words) that return highly targeted results on search engines like Google. The importance of long-tail keywords is that a high percentage of searches use them (about 70% according to one study).

Long-tail keywords, or long-term search phrases, are all the rage these days.

Long-tail keywords, or long-term search phrases, are all the rage these days. They're more specific and targeted than general keywords and therefore more likely to convert because they're so closely aligned with what your potential customers want---and need---to find.

Long-tail keywords are also more likely to be searched for by Google's RankBrain algorithm. Because it understands context better than any other keyword tool out there today, its ability to understand synonyms (or near-synonyms) makes it a powerful ranking signal for Google's indexing process---and one that you should definitely take advantage of if you want your site to do well in SERPs!

You see, long-tail keyword searches are more specific and, as a result, tend to have higher conversion rates.

You see, long-tail keyword searches are more specific and, as a result, tend to have higher conversion rates. As far as Google is concerned, the shorter a search query is (and the longer its tail), the more relevant that query is going to be for your business or website. The reason? It's simple: long-tail keywords are more specific so they are more likely to be relevant to the searcher; they are also less competitive in nature because they tend not to get as much traffic than their shorter counterparts.

On top of this, when you use long-tail keywords with good intent and make it clear what exactly you do by using them throughout your site -- like we did above -- then there will be no doubt about what type of services or products you offer!

Not only do they work to improve your SEO efforts and increase traffic to your site through organic search results, but they can also poll well with Google's RankBrain algorithm.

Not only do they work to improve your SEO efforts and increase traffic to your site through organic search results, but they can also poll well with Google's RankBrain algorithm.

RankBrain is a machine learning algorithm that Google uses to help determine search results. It was launched in 2015, and its purpose is to understand user intent and help improve the quality of search results. What this means for you is that long-tail keywords are more likely than short ones to be relevant in terms of what people are searching for online. If you have a long-tail keyword on one of your pages, it will receive better ranking placement within Google's search results because it's more likely that someone would click on such a result than something generic like "best hotels near me."

You see, long-tail keywords are those longer search phrases (more than three words) that return highly targeted results on search engines like Google.

So, you might be wondering why long-tail keywords are so popular. Here are a few of the reasons:

  • Longer search phrases like "how to make stuffed peppers" and "best stuffed peppers recipe" perform much better than shorter, more common search terms like "stuffed peppers." They have higher conversion rates because they're more specific.

  • Google's new Rankbrain algorithm (the machine learning system that helps it find relevant results) uses long-tail keyword phrases as an indicator of quality content. This means that if you optimize for these types of searches, your page will appear higher in Google rankings for those longer queries---especially when compared to competing pages ranking for shorter phrases.

  • Because people tend to use longer search queries when looking for something specific or informational (rather than transactional), this type of content typically performs well on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter as well.

The importance of long-tail keywords is that a high percentage of searches use them (about 70% according to one study).

Long-tail keywords are more specific and popular than their shorter counterparts. They're also likely to be used by Google's RankBrain algorithm, which is highly influential in determining your website's ranking in search results. This means that even if you don't rank #1 for a long-tail keyword (which you may never do), the traffic you gain from it can still pay off handsomely over time.

For example, someone who searches "best coffee shop near me" is likely interested in a specific type of coffee shop---maybe one that offers iced drinks or soy milk options. If your business happens to be one of those types of coffee shops, then this user might come across your site while searching on Google and decide to visit it instead of another place they find less desirable because their needs are better met by what you have on offer at yours!

Long-tail keywords can greatly benefit your SEO efforts

Long-tail keywords can greatly benefit your SEO efforts. With over 300 million searches a day, Google's search engine is the most popular tool in the world for finding information online. Long-tail keywords are more specific and have higher conversion rates than their broader counterparts because they are usually used to solve problems that people find through search engines. In addition to helping you increase traffic to your site through organic search results, long-tail keywords can also poll well with Google's RankBrain algorithm which means they earn higher placement on SERPs (search engine results pages) than other related terms that might not be as specific or helpful for users searching for information about your business or product.


Long-tail keywords are an important part of your SEO strategy, but they're not the only thing you should focus on. There are many other factors that come into play when it comes to ranking well in Google's SERPs, and making sure your content is relevant and engaging is just as important as optimizing for those long-tail keywords.

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